Teaching-Learning Pedagogy
way of learning !!
Online Certification Course (MOOCs): – Every student admitted to this program has to successfully complete TWO Massive Online Open Courses available on portal to become eligible for the award of MBA degree. The credit points of MOOCs earned by a student shall be transferred in the Mark list of Semester IV. The student has liberty to complete these two courses any time during the MBA program after his/her admission and it is not restricted to any specific semester/s. However, the student is advised to successfully complete these MOOCs before 4th Semester.
The two year MBA Programme that the institution offers lays primary emphasis on three major functional areas of management i.e., Finance, Marketing and Human Resources along with other disciplines, Such as systems, productions, entrepreneurship etc. A strong theoretical base regarding the concepts, techniques and issues will be experienced by the students.
First Year
During the first year, the students are introduced to the basic concepts like marketing, Finance, Accounting, Quantitative Techniques, managerial economics, computer applications, research methodology as core disciplines. This basic theoretical input equips them with basic understanding of different disciplines.
Second Year
Among the four core disciplines of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Systems the students need to undergo specialization in any one field apart from compulsory papers. The faculties give due importance to applied knowledge in the form of case discussion and projects.
Field Training – in plant placement training
As a partial fulfillment of the course they are supposed to submit a detailed project report after conducting a thorough examination of a selected industry. The project deals with issues such as Marketing Management, Finance, HRD etc., activities. This enables the candidates not only to understand the practical realities of organizations but also enlighten them in relating their theoretical concepts to the practical situations and facilitate them to familiarize with various aspects of organizations. (End of I Year / II Sem)
Field Training
- As a partial fulfillment of the course they are supposed to submit a detailed project report after conducting a thorough examination of a selected industry. The project deals with issues such as Marketing Management, Finance, HRD etc., activities. This enables the candidates not only to understand the practical realities of organizations but also enlighten them in relating their theoretical concepts to the practical situations and facilitate them to familiarize with various aspects of organizations. (End of I Year / II Sem)
- As a partial fulfillment of the course along with the In-plant Training, the candidate should conduct a research in the field of systems Marketing /Finance/HRD. The issue is identified by the industry where the research conducted by the candidate need to be approved by the industry. The industry offers the actual problem existing in their organization for research study to the candidates. The candidates need to provide solutions to the problem by conducting a detailed research in the area. This research project enables the candidates to understand both internal and external environment of the business and help them to learn the techniques of problem solving through research (End of II year).